
How To Properly Seal A Window Air Conditioner

Many features of the window air conditioners convince people to prefer them over their split and central air conditioning counterparts. They are a reliable and fourth dimension-tested option and provide cooling that lasts for hours, even in the example of ability outages.

Aside from that, when the summertime rut nosedives and you accept no demand for them, you lot can easily remove them and use your window sill for other purposes. You'd too capeesh the fact that compared to other air workout equipment, they are user-friendly to operate.

With all these benefits in mind, let's check out how to install a window air conditioner:

How to Install a Window Air Conditioner

These units have an awkward shape and are typically heavy. You won't know until you lift them whether you tin can deport their weight on your ain or not.  It is for this reason that we recommend that you take a helping hand when installing a window air conditioner.

Once you have an adjutant standing alongside yous, follow these steps to install your unit:

Step i: Check out its kit

Provided you're installing a make new window air conditioner, it might have come with a kit containing mounting brackets and window extensions. Both these items are extremely important. They volition help secure the window and give the air conditioner an air-tight fit.

Purchase these attachments if you lot're going to install an air conditioner that didn't come up with a kit or one that has been lying in your garage with these components missing.

Stride 2: Clear out the window sill

Clear out the window sill

If your window had a screen to go on insects from coming in, now is the fourth dimension to remove it and put information technology away at a secure location. The bottom sash of the window should exist completely opened to let easy ingress of the air conditioner. Y'all may also vacuum the sill if information technology contains too much dirt that yous feel might impede the entry of the unit.

Step three: Install the extensions

Install the extensions

Call up the extensions we talked about in the first step? Their primary purpose is to slide into the opening and make full information technology. Some air conditioners, particularly the latest ones, come up with the extensions pre-attached. Others crave you to slide them into the channels. Either mode, make certain that the extensions are in place before you slide the air conditioner into the window.

Footstep 4: Install the mounting brackets

Most old window air conditioners will simply sit on your window sill without any support. The latest ones, withal, sit down on brackets that yous have to attach to the sill beforehand. If your unit of measurement falls in the latter category, follow the manufacturer's instructions to install these mounting brackets.

The brackets come with fasteners that you accept to secure to the window sill. Some units on the market place contain a couple of lengths of weatherstripping foam in their package. 1 of these lengths will get below the unit of measurement for the unit to sit snugly, whereas the other volition go over its top one time information technology is installed.

Tip: About manufacturers recommend that their window air conditioner is tilted down toward the outdoor-facing side to facilitate the drainage of condensate. If your instructions state the same, install the mounting brackets with a slight down slope.

Step 5: Lift the unit onto the sill

Lift the unit onto the sill

Utilize your legs to lift the air conditioner. Some people make the error of using their back muscles and terminate up with a painful back injury. The departure between both lifting mechanisms is that when you lift from your legs, you lot keep your dorsum straight all the way from lifting the unit from the ground to placing it in the sill. You elevator as if you're doing a squat.

Once yous've lifted the unit to the height of the window sill, slide it onto the support brackets. You demand to be careful while positioning the unit onto the sill, or it may autumn out the window. If your unit has a built-in drainage hose, manually route information technology to the exterior.

Stride half dozen: Lock the unit in identify

Lock the unit in place

There are 2 ways using which you can lock the unit in place:

  • With a window sash: If you take a window sash, you can lower it on meridian of the unit of measurement in such a style that the mounting flange at the elevation of the air conditioner is flat against the window sash. Then, to fill the opening, slide the accordion extensions and fasten them.
  • With the brackets: The brackets on which you've placed the unit can likewise be used to lock it in identify. All y'all'd take to do is to fasten your air conditioner to the brackets and secure the extensions to the window jamb.

Step 7: Seal the unit of measurement

Seal the unit

You lot have to seal the unit both from the inside every bit well as outside. On the outside, apply caulk effectually its perimeter to get a perfect seal. On the inside, use the two lengths of weatherstripping to seal the unit from above and below.

Final Step: Ability up the unit

Since air conditioners depict in a lot of electricity, you'd accept to select the circuit you lot're going to plug-them into carefully. If it's the aforementioned that powers other high-free energy consuming appliances such every bit vacuums, refrigerators or washing machines, plug the air conditioner in a different excursion.

Besides, make sure that the circuit you're plugging the air conditioner is either ''air-conditioner cord" rated or "major appliance cord" rated. Both of them tin supply the heavy current that your window air conditioner will require to operate.


Most of you might have concluded by now that installing a window air conditioner isn't a one-person job. Aside from all the heavy-lifting that it forces yous to do, the unit'south installation besides requires y'all to vacuum the window sill, install the brackets and extensions, and do the sealing.

That is why we one time again recommend that you shouldn't become about the installation of your window air conditioner lonely. The whole process is too burdensome and lots of things could go wrong if you're working all on your ain.


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